
February Foodbank News

17th March 2020

Wow – we really have had such busy start to the year! In January and February we fed 1189 people – 350 people more than last year! As a result we are getting through our food at a rate of knots, giving out 11.2 Tonnes of food (3000 shopping bags!)

This month we’re profiling our very own Connor!

Photo of foodbank volunteer Connor Douglas

He said: “I was getting a food parcel and I wanted to volunteer because all the people and the workers were so nice and they sit down and talk to you. I wanted to give back and help other people out in the city because I’ve seen how many people are suffering. Foodbank helped by giving me meals and food. Volunteering here as helped boost my confidence really. It has also helped my faith grow stronger and I believe more. “

Connor moved into new supported housing this week! Connor is so faithful, reliable and committed and is also brilliant in the office and the warehouse!

If you’d to join our life changing team of volunteers, we’d love to hear from you.

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