12 Dec 24
Recruiting for Foodbank Host
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Are you passionate about helping people out of poverty and food crisis? Can you get a large and varied team moving and have the maturity to deal with a wide variety of people with grace and patience? If you want to be part of leading an amazing team that is feeding 1500 people a month […]
4 Sep 23
August News
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This week a lady and her 3 young children came into the Food Bank. Without going into too much detail she told me she’d had to flee to rescue her daughters from a horrific situation as they were in danger of severe harm. She’d had no choice but to leave everything, her home and a […]
24 Jul 23
June 23
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Together, we’ve fed 1257 people in June who are at their lowest point with no-where else to turn. As you know we don’t want people to stay in food crisis which is why one of our advice projects gives one to one job coaching during Foodbank sessions run by Gareth Thompson (pictured in the middle). […]
24 Jul 23
May 23
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Your donation will help us feed 1375 people a month who are struggling to survive. People like Ami who said: ‘It started in February when I lost my disability allowance even though I had a clot in my head, heart problems, lymphoedema & underactive thyroid. It affected me in every way and I ended up feeling […]
13 Apr 23
April 23
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We’ve been as busy as ever as the demand continues to increase due to the cost of living crisis. In March fed 1563 hungry people in Bradford, a 30% increase on March 2022 and give Easter Eggs to their children! We’ve been campaigning on trying to get the government to increase the basic rate of […]
1 Mar 23
March 23 News
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Hey there, I can’t believe that we’ve had 2 months of 2023 already! Probably because the ‘Cost of Living’ crisis is having such a big impact on local families who are struggling the most. In the last 2 months we’ve fed nearly 3000 people (2945 to be exact!), a 30% increase on last year and I’ve never […]
4 Jan 23
Round up of 2022
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At the beginning of the year we were emerging from Covid with restrictions and fear gone. But then the Cost of Living crisis started to make itself felt with the increase in fuel and food bills in April. With bills and interest rates going up throughout the year, we’re right in the middle of another […]
12 Jul 22
July 22 news – new entrance
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Hey there, What a beautiful day!!! I love the summer! James (pictured) below came into foodbank on Friday. I asked if there was anything else we could do to help in terms of benefits advice etc. He said ‘Actually you helped me last time I came, you registered me on a CSCS course (a construction […]
19 Oct 20
Job Vacancy – Warehouse Manager
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Well the good news is that Kelly, our wonderful Foodbank Warehouse Manager, is pregnant! This means that we now need to recruit for a new Warehouse Manager to step in and cover 12 months maternity leave. Could this be you? Does this sounds like it would fit someone you know? Please spread this around social media […]
10 Jun 20
Job Vacancy – Operational Support
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Do you know anyone who loves admin and is very efficient, who also loves people and is passionate about helping people who find themselves in food crisis? If so please see below the Foodbank Operational Support – Job Profile June 2020 and the Application form Foodbank OS Application Form July 19 2. Please email [email protected] […]