Get Help
Here are answers to frequently asked questions:
How does my organisation make a referral to the foodbank?
We work with over 600 ‘referral agency contacts’ people who are meeting people who are at risk of going hungry, such as Citizens Advice, social services and health visitors. These agencies refer people to our foodbank by issuing them with a foodbank voucher. If you’d like to refer your clients to Foodbank to help them please get in touch with us to register on our E-referral system.
Where is my nearest foodbank centre?
In Bradford there are 3 Trussell Trust Foodbanks operating in different locations. We are Bradford Central and we help people who live in BD1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 14. Bradford North Foodbank help people in BD2, 9, 10, 17,18 of the city and Wyke Foodbank helps people in BD6, 11, 12, 13, 19. Please note you must have a foodbank voucher to receive help from the foodbank. If you don’t have a voucher please ring CAB national helpline on 0808 208 2138.
What’s in a typical food parcel?
A typical food parcel contains a minimum of three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable, tinned and dried foods that have been donated by the local community. A typical food parcel includes: breakfast cereal, soup, pasta, rice, pasta sauce, baked beans, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, instant mash, UHT milk, tea, coffee, tinned dessert and biscuits. We also provide fresh fruit and veg and bread but this varies in quantity and type depending on what is donated.
Can the parcel be adapted to special dietary requirements?
Our foodbank will adapt your food parcel to suit your dietary needs. Just let us know when you arrive with your voucher. We can provide specific parcels for a range of needs including halal, vegetarian parcels or for people with diabetes, gluten intolerance. We will also endeavour to adapt your parcel to accommodate any food allergies you indicate.
Will the food parcel cater for my whole family?
Our foodbank will adapt your food parcel according to the number of adults and children indicated on your voucher. We will also endeavour to provide foods that are age appropriate and in suitable quantities for your children. We can also offer nappies, baby foods, but not SMA milk.
What if I can’t get to the foodbank centre?
We operate a delivery service for people who have a medical reason as to why they can’t get to the centre. If you tell your referral agency about your medical needs we should be able to deliver for you.
What if I have a complaint?
As a charity run mainly by volunteers we are here to help people who would go hungry without help from a Foodbank. We want to serve you as best we can but recognise we are a diverse team of many volunteers who are helping for a few weeks or some for years and sometime we get it wrong. If we have got it wrong please don’t hesitate to contact us by reading our Complaints Procedure and contacting us.
How will you use my data?
When you come to a foodbank for help, the foodbank will keep some data about you. This is ‘personal data’, because it is about you as a particular person, and it can be linked to you. The foodbank will keep the data that is on your foodbank voucher(s). That means we will keep your name, address, phone number, year of birth; the number of other adults and children in your household; and the reason you needed to come to the foodbank. We will also keep a record of who gave you the foodbank voucher. To read more please read our Data Privacy Statement Foodbank Clients.