
4638 people helped in 2018

13th February 2019

Light Centre - Bradford Central Foodbank

We had a big year in 2018 and thanks to your support and help together we fed 4636 people with 3 day emergency food parcels a 25% increase on 2017!

We had a massive 43 tonnes of food donated which has made all this possible.  With a huge week of collecting at Tesco, with Asda coming on board in the summer as new collection points and with 30 schools collecting for us over Harvest too.

To top it off we were able to throw a Christmas party where we gave 50 Christmas hampers, fresh veg and presents with Farmers Boy cooking a 3 course Christmas dinner for 65!

Pam (below) said: I been without any money since Oct 26 and now I’ve got loads of debts and I nearly got evicted from my home. Foodbank have helped me 100%. Thank you for supporting Foodbank.

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